Sunday, February 23, 2014

China 2014

I apologize to all who were wanting to follow the blog.  Facebook and the blog were blocked in China. It was disappointing but I've learned with international adoption you have to just be flexible, as many things don't go the way you plan, I guess that's part of the adventure! 
     Our trip to China went well, but we were so tired by the time we arrived! We flew to Shanghai and then caught a flight to Fuzhou. We probably looked like zombies Saturday night when we got off of the plane in Fuzhou.  Things were a bit confusing as someone other than our guide picked us up at the airport, but we managed to get to the hotel and check in with no issues.  We met the guide the next day to go get Amy at the Civil Affairs office.  When she arrived, she informed us that the plans had changed, and we'd be picking up Amy at a hotel.  Hey, we didn't care where, we just wanted to meet her!! We took a taxi to the hotel and after the cab left, found out it was the wrong hotel and it was the time we were supposed to pick her up.  The guide said there would not be time to catch another taxi that we needed to just run over to the other hotel...which would have been easier had it not been pouring rain.  We were so excited to meet her we didnt care at that point!  When we arrived, ( a little wet) she was sitting in a chair, playing with some magnetic letters.  She kept looking at us out of the corner of her eye, and then handed us letters one at a time, saying the name of each.  When they told her we were her family, she said she knew that. :)  She let us hold her and pulled the book we sent her out of her bag, and pointed at each of our pictures, and then at us, saying " Mom and Dad"  The passport pictures were funny as they had to take over 15, since she decided to make a silly face or pose for each one.  We realized we had a little tease on our hands- ha ha. 

She was a little frightened of her first bath since she'd never been bathed in a tub. but now asks for a " bubble bath" every time she's in the bathroom.  She was very quiet the first few days, and woke up throughout the night, afraid, but each day we noticed her opening up to us a little more, and starting to smile.  She copied my every move. If I read my novel, then she'd sit in the same position and read, ect.  She even went in the bathroom after me and tried to wear my makeup. We were absolutely shocked at how smart she is.  She can speak English, Chinese and Sign Language. 

We had many paperwork appointments, but also found time to visit some museums and parks, and learn more about the Chinese culture...

One of the best days we had was when we had the opportunity to visit Hidden Treasures, the home Amy was in. What an amazing place, ran by the most incredible people.  Rick and I were so moved by their passion to rescue special needs children. God is doing amazing things there, and we felt so blessed to visit.  The love and care Amy received there is reflected very much in her personality and development! We hope to one day return there with the older children on missions trips. 

We traveled all around china by taxi, bus and plane, and amy was an excellent traveler.  she loved taking in all the sights and was excited about everything we did.  She especially like flying.
 After a week in her province we flew down to Guangzhou where we had her medical exam..

and Consulate appointment...

We were so excited when Cindy ( whose living in Beijing right now) flew down to meet her new little sister. She really wanted to come home with us, so it was hard to say goodbye..

We had a wonderful time in China, but missed the kids here so much! We are glad to be home, and will share more pics later. ( Probably in the middle of the night, since a certain little Chinese girl is not sleeping! )

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the update!! So glad all three are home safe and sound. Welcome home!!
