Thursday, September 4, 2014

Jackson Adoption Update: September

Jacksons September Adoption Update:

    Everyone has been asking how Jacksons adoption is going. I'd love to say that with each adoption we have become faster at the paperwork and it's flying, but that unfortunately is not the case.  No matter how many adoptions you do there are always paperwork issues! UGH! It looks like we have the "paper chase" almost wrapped up though, and should have the last documents to our agency by next week.  Yeah! Once that happens we can travel to St Louis for fingerprinting, and upon approval of that send our dossier to China.

Prayer requests for September:

We are praying for the remaining paperwork to go smoothly with no issues, and for a safe and timely trip to St Louis for fingerprinting.

Financial needs for September:

$890.00 fingerprinting fee.   ( Thank-you to those of you who bought a goat, that $$ is going towards this fee!  :) You will now have milk and help Jackson come home! :)  

     Thank-you for joining us in prayer and support as we work towards Jackson joining our family!! Everytime I see that adorable, chubby little face and those dimples smiling at me from the picture on the fridge, I just want to jump on the next plane to hard to wait!!!

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