We were there so our daughter could say her goodbyes before she started our new life with us. We were there to meet her caregivers and learn about her life up to that point.
We were not at the children's home to begin an adoption, we were there to finish one.
Our last one.
Our third international adoption in less than five years.
We were sick of paperwork, exhausted from fundraising, worn out with adoption adjustment.
We were there to finish, not begin.
Sometimes we think we are somewhere for a different reason than God. He knew we were not there just to finish, but to begin yet another journey. It was almost lie a magentic pull. We both were drawn to him, and agreed together that since we were "done" adopting, we would advocate for him.
Over the next few days, we found ourselves talking about how incredible he was all the time.
The as we checked into the next hotel Rick said, " Next time, lets remember to...."
Next time??? We both laughed, huge mistake in words.
Over the next week, "next time" was slipped three more times, and we'd laugh every time.
We came home, and we advocated, but none of the families had met him, none of them had seen the incredible little boy we had.
And somehow over the next three months, "no chance" became a "chance".
As we ate dinner one night in April, Rick asked what I'd been doing all day, and when I named everything, he smiled and said, " You should have been doing adoption paperwork!"
The room was silent for a moment, then all kids broke out in cheers, we were begining another journey.
Each journey takes the whole family.
The older kids have to babysit the "littles" through many hours of Mama and Daddy doing adoption paperwork and applying for grants.
We all join in prayer each night over our adoption and our new family member.
We travel to St Louis for a family trip to get fingerprinting.
We open our home up to visits and interviews by caseworkers. We have grant interviews, and many trips to the bank for notorazations.
We have medical exams for us all.
We have fundraisers that require many hours of the entire familys effort.
We prepare our home to add another child, and our hearts.
Adoption takes the whole family and they were ready to jump in again!
Now here we are at the point when all the work, and prayer and dreams become a reality. In five days, Jackson will arrive at the hotel and join our family. We still cant believe its time for that moment we've waited for so long!
We feel so blessed that God chose us, to have the incredible honor to become the parents to such an amazing boy. We know God has plans for his life beyond anything we could dream, and we can not wait to watch as God revels those!
In less than a week, Jackson, you become a part of this crazy family!! :)
Love this post!! I love how God works, how He prepares us for what we could never do ourselves. Blessings on your "Gotcha Day" and beyond. We also travel again, back to China for our fourth daughter. Who would have thought that when our paths crossed in Guangzhou less than three years ago that we would both be back two more times : ) Our Gotcha Day is July 6th. At the end of July, our girls will be 14, 15, 16, and 17 : ) God is so good. Would not trade a single one for all the tea in China : )